Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin
By Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin
14 July 2009
11.00 am-12.00 am
PSB Auditorium
The next study skills workshop that I have attend is How to Use Good Grammar in Spoken and Written Academic Text. In linguistics, grammatical functions (or grammatical relations) refer to syntactic relationships between participants in a proposition. Examples are subject, object, adjunct, complement.
Our life everyday have to spoken in English at least one or two words. It can improve our English language better. The most common reason why people want to improve their English is because they want to improve someone else's view of them, whether it is a job interview or a commissioning editor.
Grammar describes language use, but is not usage in itself. You wouldn't watch a DVD with the director's commentary on if you haven't already first seen the film. By speaking English fluently, you already know the fundamentals. You've rarely needed to know the difference between an adverb and an adjective because you instinctively use them without thinking. Grammar, like director's commentary.
Learning good grammar is easiest done by taking a top-down approach instead of a bottom-up approach. Learning the things not to say or use is easier than learning the things to say. Good grammar comes back to good English.
In the seminar I learn how to find pronouns in sentences. Even though easier to find pronouns in the sentences, sometimes I’m also missed one or two pronounces. Other than that, we also must use contractions to speaking fluently and nicely. Other than that, find a lot of references and do more exercise.
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