Sunday, March 6, 2011


This blog is for assignment only.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

.:My Team:.

Make we Wonder


We are 1 Malaysia!

We are always 2gether..;)

Monday, October 26, 2009

.:Last class 25 Oct 2009:.

Mdam Rafidah give some advices during the last class.
Such as, she talk about creative ideas.
Everything is start from the problem and knowledge doesn't mean take examination, but knowledge is from experience.
Be a successful person.

Lastly, all group need to fulfill the peer evaluation form. The evaluation form is being use to give a marks to a group members.


.:Final Presentation on 18th & 20th Oct 2009 :.

During this week final presentation, all group need to be done their presentation. All group must prepare their slide, video montage and group website.

.:18th Oct 2009:.

Kulmiye is the first group that done the presentation on that day.
Klulmiye showed the great presentation. The presenter of Kulmiye group is a very talkative person.

KuLMiye Group..

The second group is DediServe. DediServe means dedication service. This group are selling Hari Raya card.

DediServe Group..

The last group must present on that day is D'corp. The performance of D'corp presentation is not very well, but they shows a good video montage that attracted all the audience in the lecture hall.

Dcorps Group...

.:20th Oct 2009:.

My group, WONDER-e are presenting on this day. Even though, there is a little bit nervous feeling, but we are try do all the best in order to give the great presentation. There are two presenters in our group which is Nurul Hidayah and Mohd Nasron. We got a great applause from the audiences.

ToqNas is the first Presenter..

Dayah was presenting..

Third group is EMO. The slide that are being used is very nice. Everyone give a full attention during their presentation.

Emo group...

As a conclusion, our lecturer,Madam Rafidah gives a good comment to the all groups. She was satisfied with all the presentation.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

.:Week 13:.

This week is last week presentation business activities...
all group are present..
Madam Rafidah advice us to gain knowledge from bussines that
we have done together in a group.
We decide to doing our final presentation on Wednesday...

.:Week 12:.

This week is so busy for me because I have lots of project assingment that must do and the submited date is around the corner. But I'm still working hard to to attend the It Entrep. class....
This week, lecturer remaind us about Last Presentation..and also date of submited report presentation.
As usual, we doing the presentation on the sunday...
this week my group present about 5th week business activities...
At the last class we discussing about progress report presentation.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

.: Week 11 :.

Preparing for and evaluating the challenges of growth.