Sunday, July 26, 2009

.:26 JuLy 2009:.

Activities this week is, we discuss about business plan presentation that must present on wednesday 29/07/09. But, UUM attacked by H1N1. So, all activities not allowed. About the business plan presentation, we must select the person that can speak fluently.

I got something in the class this week its about how to explain the purpose of the business plan, how a business plan can be dual-case documents,how the proses to writing a business plan can be as important as the plan itself, the advantages and disadvantages of using software package to assist in preparing a business plan,why the execution summary my be the most important section of a business and so on.

After that, we make a group discussion about the project
one Malaysia.

Actually,the product of the project must can be commercial it at market.
The idea of the product must be write down at the contest form
that the lecturer was given.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

.:19 & 22 JuLy 2009:.

This week, we just have a group discuccion in the class and brainstorming about the project One Malaysua and search leader and name of group. Then the leader decide to separate two in a group for a group project. the project must be done in four type.

It is :

1. Animation
2. Virtual Reality
3. Multimedia Design
4.Application Game.

Then we will have a group discussion in this weekend to discuss about the source that we find and brainstorming again to build a application.

Friday, July 17, 2009

.:Make Meaning Makes Money & Guy Kawasaki:.

~Guy Kawasaki~

I feel so excited this week because last Wednesday, lecturer showed us a speech video which is the title is Make Meaning on your Company. From that speech, i got 3 lessons that can makes meaning.

It is:

1- Increase quality of life
2- Right a wrong means we fix something wrong like crime, abuse and pollution
3- Prevent the end of something good

To make a real company is difficult to start. Its required a lot of energy of physical and mental. So, we must increase the quality of life and right a wrong means we fix something wrong like crime, abuse, pollution and so on. So, prevent the end of something good....

.:How to Use Good Grammar in Spoken and Written Academic Texts:.

Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin

By Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin
14 July 2009
11.00 am-12.00 am
PSB Auditorium

The next study skills workshop that I have attend is How to Use Good Grammar in Spoken and Written Academic Text. In linguistics, grammatical functions (or grammatical relations) refer to syntactic relationships between participants in a proposition. Examples are subject, object, adjunct, complement.

Our life everyday have to spoken in English at least one or two words. It can improve our English language better. The most common reason why people want to improve their English is because they want to improve someone else's view of them, whether it is a job interview or a commissioning editor.

Grammar describes language use, but is not usage in itself. You wouldn't watch a DVD with the director's commentary on if you haven't already first seen the film. By speaking English fluently, you already know the fundamentals. You've rarely needed to know the difference between an adverb and an adjective because you instinctively use them without thinking. Grammar, like director's commentary.

Learning good grammar is easiest done by taking a top-down approach instead of a bottom-up approach. Learning the things not to say or use is easier than learning the things to say. Good grammar comes back to good English.

In the seminar I learn how to find pronouns in sentences. Even though easier to find pronouns in the sentences, sometimes I’m also missed one or two pronounces. Other than that, we also must use contractions to speaking fluently and nicely. Other than that, find a lot of references and do more exercise.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

.:Presentation Skills:.

Dr. Ahmad Affendi Shabdin

By Dr. Ahmad Affendi Shabdin
Applied Linguistics Programme
College of Art and Sciences.

14 July 2009
10.00 am-11.00 am
PSB Auditorium

Today, I work on Presentation Skills. We need to present is because nowadays giving presentation are the inherent part of everybody’s work. The purpose of Presentation is to inform listener. Example is, to increase their understanding of the topic that we present but do not want to change their opinion. Other than that is to persuade listeners or change their attitude about some subject.

Many type of presentation. Example is presenting our research report at conferences, seminar, defending thesis or dissertation, presenting a report of case studies, project, reviews and others. Usually, presentation is done individually or in a group.

Before presentation we must have to prepare to make sure our presentation going smoothly. Our topic is also one of the important things. We must try to choose familiar topic, easy to determine the purpose, inform or persuade the audience. Our presentation also have together with materials, example is journal as a prove to make our support in our ideas.

Other factor presentation skills are organizing our presentation, to make our presentation looks regular arranged. Introduction, body and conclusion are a draft to make our presentation regulated nicely and look in order. It also to avoid mistake in arrange the part of content in our presentation.

In introduction, we must get the attention and interest of our audience. We must state the importance of our topic because to sweeping the audience about our topic of presentation. Other than that, we can also startle the audience or to give a surprise to the audience example is play a video, game, 3D animation and so on to make their attention. Give them a question to adjust their ears like “have you take your breakfast? Did you hungry? And I’m hungry also”. We can also tell the story or something else that can attract the audience.

Main point of body must be clear and relevant. Our language also must be clear and accurate to easy audience understands what we want to talk about. Other than that is use familiar words, example is incessant-constant; perilous-dangerous; highwayman-burglar. We must also choose a concrete words to give more audience understand what we want to present. We also can use effective transitions, example is “Now we have seen the causes of lung cancer, let’s look at its effect on the person involved”. After that, we use, first cause, second cause, final cause and so on, to make our opinion in the rank. So, we can make audience more understand what we want to explain on. At last, prepare audience for conclusion. Conclude our presentation with reinforce our main points.

The other skills or tips to delivering our presentation are methods, which are use specialty that have. Beside that is speaker’s voice not to rush and not go and just read. That will be incur bored the audience. Don’t ever give back to the audience. Speaker’s body must be careful. We also must wear smartly when ever you go to presentation. It’s also known as respect to the audience. Lastly, give the question and answer the question between audience and speakers.

My most important concern is how to decrease our nervous. Dr.Affendi advice us to practice a day before the presentation. The best place is where the presentation will be going on. Other than that is making a joke either one r two jokes. That also can help us reduce the nervous.

So many things I learn from these study skills workshops. I want to thank to my friend, teachers and also my parents who always support me in this subject. Wish all the best and Insha’Allah we will be success in this course.